Thursday, February 26, 2009


I miss my friends ALL of the time, so on the rare occasions that I get to see them now they are great. Stace, Karm, and Noelle came down this past weekend to spend the night at the Wright's house. We went to Breakers- our favorite "dive" bar and played a bunch of darts - had a blast and then came back to the homestead for more fun. The visits ALWAYS go by way too quickly and the next thing I knew, it was Monday morning. ARrrghh another Monday. I have to say - I am NOT complaining because there are sooo many people out there that do not havea job and need one desperately (my husband being one of them), but I am absolutely 100% burned out at work. I need a vacation - or at least some warm weather to warm my spirits. I love my job, but geez - I NEED a break!

Possibly all of the stress at home with our neighbors and my grandfather have been creeping into my work stress making EVERYthing one big stress ball. We had court case #1 today. It is continued until March 9th - great just when we were looking forward to getting one thing DONE, it continues - it's like a bad sequel. In any event - it is what it is. I guess the thing that bothered me so much is from what our lawyer had told us about what the neighbors had mentioned to the prosecutor - that we have bothered them for years due to our hatred for their sexual preference. Rack up the lies Michael and Denny - rack em up. We could CARE less about anyone's sexual preference - it is one's character that we are concerned with or lack there of. Stupid! The never cease to amaze me with their deviance and stupidity.