Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, Today was the day of our wonderful neighbors appeal to the county for allowing them to have 5 adult dogs in a residential area in which the law states that a property is only allowed to have 2 adult dogs. Of course we file the complaint as we are TIRED of the LOUD and OBNOXIOUS yapping of the dogs after MANY years of trying to nicely ask them to keep their dogs quiet, etc.

So, today at the Chesterfield County Meeting Room they hear all sorts of different disputes regarding zoning issues with fences or complaints about the number of dogs in an area, etc...

Well I feel like we WON today. They basically gave everyone the approval for whatever they wanted, but the applicant had to pay a $1000 fine and instead of a 3 year allowance, this issue will be up again one year from today. Seeing how the other cases go - I think we won today and if we were not there, they would've probably been allowed to have the exception for 3 years.. WhoooHooo.

I feel liberated though because I was able to speak in front of a panel today clearly and with forethought about the situation. It was liberating to know that our truth came out and that the board was hearing it. Basically afterwards one board member said to Denny, if this sort of actions continue, it WILL be denied for the following year. I feel very good about this! He talked to him as if he understood our frustration according to the law.

Unfortunately we are scared and worried about what is to come with us. We still have the pending trespassing case with Steve - which I have faith we will win, but what have the little guys come up with for their next move????? We all know that they are.

In any event - it was good to speak the truth, the board thanked us for being there to let them know what was going on, and good to have an official person listen to us today as well.